Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random thoughts from AJ Heschel class today

Just some random thoughts from my small class today on Abraham Joshua Heschel.
My own background was pretty rationalistic. And yet some of my fundamental experiences are spiritual. Especially my Camp Ramah years, volunteering and davening, were filled with moments of connecting with something much bigger than myself. Especially as a camper in the 60s, we were exposed to Heschel and it energized all of the social action activities which we engaged.
I think his teachings still energize me for the Social Justice endeavors in which I work. We are God's partners in the on going work of creation. I was struck today my Heschel's comments on evil. We can use our scienitific knowledge to increasing ease the suffering caused by the natural order. But the challenge of the pain that human beings cause each other is best met with holiness. Each mitzvah of tzedakah and gemilut hesed are pathways to repairing the world; of experiencing God's Presence and Love. Although we will probably not be privileged to complete the task - knowing we are participants in God's sacred work, evaluating our actions in the light of our sacred teachings - fills our life with meaning and goodness.

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