Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Story Part 1 (From Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Sermon)

For most of my life, I told my story by remembering how I fell in love with the music of synagogue as a child, enjoying Junior Congregation and then the Adult Service. In 1966 I began attending Camp Ramah and in my second summer I had a life changing moment! One morning in July 1967 during morning prayers I felt the Shechinah … God’s Presence. We davened that summer, 170 campers plus staff, in the very large room which the previous summer had been the B side dining room. Inside, it was disgusting … with meals from food fights embedded in the ceiling, walls and windows. But that morning I felt something invisible float into the room. It entered from the windows to my right, surrounded me with what I can only describe as a cloud of unconditional love, stayed a few seconds and then I could sense it floating out the other windows, over the lake of the camp and then over the other hill – until I could sense it no more. 10 seconds that made me who I am. Being a rationalist I’ve always had my doubts about that moment. [Maybe I ate something bad the at dinner the night before) Years later I learned about the Shechinah – that God’s presence is like a mother’s love and that it can encompass you completely and flow through you… I strive to recreate that moment, it hasn’t happened in 42 years, but I keep myself open to the possibility. Despite all my questions and doubts, that moment lives inside me with a certitude that there is something out there that really does care, really wants things to be right and wants us to be partners in achieving those kind and just ends. I always knew I would be in some kind of helping profession (my sisters are too) but combining that with my love of Judaism has filled me with meaning and joy.

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